Flashbacks to 2015 Part II

It's been a year with ups and downs but I am here where I always wanted to be.
 I am happy and blessed and that's all that matters. 

Enjoy the last moments of 2015. Leave all the shit behind and take the most important with u to the next one.

When I was teaching them young girls.
When she was chilling with her mom.
When she brought me my favorite chocolate to work.
Enjoying life with her.
Looking too normal for this picture with my cousin but at least I got chubby cheeks. 
Enjoying life after work.
Being Russians.
" Sometimes the smallest things take up the most room in your heart" - Winnie The Pooh.
How do you spell love? You don't spell it - you feel it.
When she thought that her ass looks good in the picture.
Matching with mom.
When she told me she's pregnant.
After 2 glasses of wine.
"Gimme a break, Helena!"
After our photoshoot.
When I thought it's super cool to walk home alone when you are super drunk.
Wearing a shirt that belonged to my dad when he was 25.
 When the Sun was sooo bright but She didn't care.
 When we planted a tree with my dad on my birthday and they were entertaining us.
When he was taking a nap.
When my auntie got a "dog".
When we worked for Triobet.
When it was her birthday and she didn't change her pose.
When I turned 25.
When She turned 2.
Driving with my dad gets u 4 pieces of cake instead of 2.
 When he gave me a good smile
 and so did she. My family.
When the pressure was Off.
When I'm being a Gemini.
When she needed a hug and wanted to capture it.
 When we had a perfect morning together.
 and then she was done for the day. Lol!!
 When I took her to the movies.

And when I say byeee for now.
See you next year loves.

Happy New Year!


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